The Drover's Boy

The Drover's Boy is a song by Ted Egan. It was then expanded into a book which is available on Amazon with the following description: "Based on a song of the same name and set in the 1920's, The Drover's Boy recalls the time when it was illegal for Caucasians and Aborigines to marry, and the death of an Aborigine went unnoticed by the white community. This popular and moving Australian folk song comes from a true story about a Caucasian drover (the Australian name for a cowboy or sheep herder) who is forced to pass off his Aboriginal wife as his "drover's boy". Ted Egan wrote this song as a tribute to the Aboriginal stockwomen, in the hope that one day their enormous contribution to the Australian pastoral industry might be recognized and honored. Ages 11+. "

There have been rumors of a motion picture to be based on this book, but as yet not filmed. A short mention was made of Drovers' Boys in the motion picture "Australia"

External links

For Ted Egan singing the original song: